Grade of coke mm 0-10
Grade of coke mm 10-25
Grade of coke mm 25-40
Grade of coke mm 40+
Grade of coke mm 60+

Coke coal

Grade of coke mm 0-10
Grade of coke mm 10-25
Grade of coke mm 25-40
Grade of coke mm 40+
Grade of coke mm 60+
  • Ash content, no more,% 17
  • Mass fraction of moisture, no more,% 10
  • Mass fraction of sulfur, no more,% 0,6
  • Volatile matter output, no more,% 1,5
  • Mass fraction of pieces larger than 10 mm, no more,% 8
  • Ash content, no more,% 13
  • Mass fraction of moisture, no more,% 10
  • Mass fraction of sulfur, no more,% 0,6
  • Volatile matter output, no more,% 1,5
  • Mass fraction of pieces larger than 10 mm, no more,% 10
  • Ash content, no more,% 12
  • Mass fraction of moisture, no more,% 5
  • Mass fraction of sulfur, no more,% 0,6
  • Volatile matter output, no more,% 1,5
  • Mass fraction of pieces larger than 10 mm, no more,% 10
  • Ash content, no more,% 12
  • Mass fraction of moisture, no more,% 5
  • Mass fraction of sulfur, no more,% 0,6
  • Volatile matter output, no more,% 1,5
  • Mass fraction of pieces larger than 10 mm, no more,% 6
  • Ash content, no more,% 12
  • Mass fraction of moisture, no more,% 5
  • Mass fraction of sulfur, no more,% 0,6
  • Volatile matter output, no more,% 1,5
  • Mass fraction of pieces larger than 10 mm, no more,% 6
Order Coke coal

Coke coal is a smokeless fuel, which is solid carbon with a minimum content of sulfur, moisture and other impurities. It is obtained by processing low-ash, low-sulfur coking grades of coal, oil, oil products (pitch, heavy oil residues) and other carbon-containing substances.
The best raw materials for metallurgy are the most durable, coarse-grained, low-sulfur and low-ash types of coke.

Depending on a grade, coke coal is being used for the following purposes:
• iron smelting;
• zinc production;
• batch loosening;
• recovery of iron, tin, lead, copper ore;
• roasting of limestone and cement;
• production of corrosion-resistant equipment, ferroalloys, electrodes and many other products.
Coke coal serves as fuel for domestic heating systems.

We would like to offer a high-quality metallurgical Сoke coal of any fraction at a low price – from 0-10 mm to 60+ mm. Depending on the size of Coke coal:
• ash content – no more than 12-17%;
• humidity – no more than 8-10%;
• sulfur content – no more than 0.6%;
• content of volatile substances – no more than 1.5%.

These items are available as well: blacksmith, foundry coke, blast-furnace,
coal-mining, household coke, coke breeze, coke nut, etc. always in the stock.

Quality indicators can be coordinated by request.
To get detailed information, get acquainted with the physical and chemical characteristics of a particular type of coke coal and make an order, please contact us via messangers or fill the request in.
The ELMAR Company produces any fraction with any parameters needed.
Big bag packaging or bulk.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Coal prices including VAT

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